Helping you help others.

Kindred Public Relations is an integrated communications consultancy with a passion for wellness and health.


We help wellbeing businesses thrive. 

At Kindred, we believe in the power of marketing and public relations to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and de-stigmatize seeking help. Sometimes, providers need a treatment plan, too. With our vast experience in communications, we are well-equipped to support mental health practices who are looking to increase their referrals and grow their reach and impact. Through strategic counsel and impactful storytelling, we aim to reach a wider audience for you, attract more clients, and ultimately contribute to the growth and success of mental health practices. We want to help you grow your company so you can increase your positive impact on society. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and foster a society that prioritizes well-being.

We're not just promoting businesses — we're promoting a healthier society.



  • Because you want to build your practice, and figuring it out in an ever-changing industry is hard! We know how unrealistic and daunting it is to house every PR, HR, marketing, social media, website and growth strategy from within. We bring it all together.

  • Because you talked to a business coach and don’t know what to do next. You need comprehensive support that feels like an extension of your own brain trust. We offer the benefit of expert communications experience with proven results. 

  • Because you’re making plans to diversify. Looking at a secondary source of income such as a seminar, coaching, or book that leverages your unique expertise is exciting but can also be overwhelming. We help bring dreams to fruition by crafting launch strategies, building partnerships, and developing brand identity.


Kindred is different from your other marketing options. We work with you on developing data-based strategies and implementing them for you utilizing our proprietary Provider Treatment Plan to ultimately increase referrals and website traffic.



In the wellness space, it's about more than just a website and social media. So many people needing mental health  support, combined with the overload of options, means you have to find a way to distinguish yourself from the crowd. Let’s get started.



As your practice grows, you need to focus your energy on engaging with clients, not marketing tasks. Kindred supports business growth and moves tasks forward without a second thought. We become rooted within the team to serve as your outside in-house marketing department.